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#37: Gifts to Connect People to Nature


Stephanie Manka

Stephanie Manka, Ph.D. is a wildlife biologist with 20 years of experience in mammal ecology and conservation, education, and outreach. Read her story to find out how she went from the daughter of a jeweler to a Ph.D. in wildlife biology.

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Connecting people to nature is very important to me. Why do I care so much about you going outdoors? 

Going outdoors is actually important for conservation – especially for kids. Spending time outdoors as a child is associated with pro-conservation behaviors and attitudes in adults. If you ask anyone who became a wildlife biologist, I guarantee you they will say they become a wildlife biologist because they spent time outside in nature. 

fancy scientist
Going outside as a child was a big reason why I became a wildlife biologists. One of my favorite memories is going to Alleghany State Park in NY to hike and look for animals at night.

What’s going on currently is something called the extinction of experience. These experiences in nature are under threat – more and more people are spending time indoors (guilty!). Each generation is raised with this new norm, therefore shifting the baseline to be less and less time outside. 

I want to change this! In this podcast episode, for the holiday season, I offer you some gift ideas to connect people to nature. 

Specifically I go over:

  • Why getting outside is important for conservation
  • The best way to raise future conservationists
  • What the extinction of experience is
  • Why right now is the best time to go outside (the pandemic!)
  • Nature has healing and health benefits
  • Gifts to connect people to nature:
    • Camera trap
    • Field guides
    • Binoculars
    • Bird feeders
    • Gardening supplies and books
    • Bat house
    • Nets, waders, and boots for exploring ponds
    • Magnifying glasses and insect jars
    • UV lights, headlamps, and spotlights
  • And MORE!
child outside
I took my niece "splash hiking" in Alleghany. We caught and released animals like this crayfish.

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Resources and Sources Mentioned in Gifts to Connect People to Nature

You can get supplies to connect to nature in my Amazon store.

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I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Before we say our goodbye, I want to remind you that you have been an essential part of my journey. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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