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Sian Erb Alum Profile: Building Confidence & Clarity Through Self-Investment

A big part of my mission as a wildlife biologist is to empower and prepare aspiring and entry-level wildlife professionals so that they can secure good jobs in this competitive career and carry out their life’s purpose. As a result, I offer a variety of programs for those who want to work with me and take charge of their career. Here, you’ll learn about the successes of my students so that you can be inspired and see what is truly possible for you when you have clarity, strategy, and a competitive job application. 

Sian was one of my first and youngest students to join the Successful Wildlife Professional program. She was still in school while the rest of my students were graduates, but she knew she had to prepare for her career in wildlife now. She wanted to work in wildlife care somehow but wasn’t sure if it would be as a zookeeper, animal behaviorist, vet tech, or some other field. To be honest, she didn’t really know what any of those jobs looked like or how realistic or smart of a plan it was to pursue them. Even though she was in college, she wasn’t learning anything about the animal care field and felt behind. Additionally, she had zero experience. To her, it felt like there were so many people her age or even younger who already had vast amounts of knowledge and experience that would make them much better suited for the kinds of jobs she wanted.
Without knowing exactly what she wanted to do, she wondered if it was a good idea to invest tens of thousands of dollars into a specialized zoo graduate program after she got her bachelor’s degree. She also questioned whether she could actually get in and do the program. It was even difficult for her to picture herself just applying to the jobs she hoped to have someday—let alone getting them!
Aviculture at the International Crane Foundation
Her goal when she joined the Successful Wildlife Professional was to clearly define what she wanted and get as much experience as possible while finishing her undergraduate and saving money. She couldn’t relocate and therefore needed help getting the limited volunteer and internship experiences in her area. It was going to take some unconventional methods, that is, cold networking rather than just directly applying for opportunities to get her experience, but she was willing to push herself outside of her comfort zone, meet new people, and learn as much about these fields as possible.
Now Sian is on her way! During the program, she gained experience in a museum and wolf sanctuary, conducted a lot of informational interviews with professionals about careers in zoos, and built her network as part of it. She recently graduated and is still undecided on exactly what her dream job is, but now her eyes have been opened to what it takes to get to the different options that she is interested in. She decided to put the specialized zoo graduate school experience on pause and instead just start working to continue to gain experience. She is currently at the International Crane Foundation and loves it!
UPDATE: Sian accepted a position at the Audubon Nature Institute!
Sian Erb
Sian Erb Testimonial

Meet Sian:

Hi! I grew up in the beautiful woods of Pennsylvania and have always been passionate about animals. Ever since visiting zoos as a kid, I knew I wanted to be a part of caring for wildlife and connecting people to their conservation stories. I got my bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science while volunteering at a wolf sanctuary, and I am continuing to gather all the experience I can to learn, network, and grow! Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, reading, painting, and dancing.

Where are you currently in your wildlife career?

Currently, I am an aviculture apprentice at the International Crane Foundation. Here, I am learning to care for our crane ambassadors as well as supporting ICF’s whooping crane reintroduction efforts by assisting in our breeding, egg incubation, and chick rearing programs.

Passion for conservation

What's your dream job?

Truthfully, I am still on a journey to pinpoint my dream job. But I truly believe I will be happy anywhere I can be, whether I am a part of animal caretaking, educating the public, or supporting conservation efforts.

I want to be somewhere where I can be a bridge between animal ambassadors and guests, creating empathy and the same passion for conservation that I have, whether that be a zoo, rehab, or rescue setting, which I am still discovering!

What is a hardship you have overcome in your career?

Self-doubt has been huge and something I continue to battle! Knowing I am going into a highly competitive career has never stopped me from wanting it, but sometimes, the fear that I won’t be able to attain my dream career/life is overwhelming.

What kind of impact do you want to have in your career?

I want to inspire people the same way I was inspired. It was through visiting zoos that I learned that humans are connected to the natural world and that our actions can negatively impact wildlife.

I hope to be able to teach people about how connected humans are with nature and encourage them to love and care for the wildlife around them.

"I hope to be able to teach people about how connected humans are with nature and encourage them to love and care for the wildlife around them."

How did you know you wanted to go into this field?

I have always wanted to have a career with animals just because I simply loved being around them and learning about them.

I think the moment when it clicked for me as a career option was when I visited Disney and met the manatees in The Seas at EPCOT, whose lives were changed forever because of boat strikes.

It was a pretty pivotal moment for me to learn that manatees were threatened by human activity and that it was something that could absolutely be solved through advocacy and education and aided by rescue and rehabilitation.

Sian Erb Testimonial

What's a moment of success you've had in this career?

The first moment that comes to mind from my time volunteering at a natural science museum is quite a few times when I was able to encourage kids and adults to touch a snake for the first time.

Most of the time, they were surprised that snakes are indeed not slimy! It was really exciting for me to get to be the one to show them that they are not scary or gross but beautiful and important!

volunteering at a natural science museum

What is the biggest takeaway or most important lesson you have learned so far from the Successful Wildlife Professional?

What impacted me the most was learning that it is okay to (and you absolutely should) brag about yourself!

In one of the modules, Stephanie mentioned that it is absolutely okay to say in a cover letter, “I am an excellent candidate for ________________.”

It’s so simple, but even just writing that in my cover letters, even though I didn’t always believe it, really altered my perspective and confidence.

The more I wrote it, the more I actually believed it!

It’s so simple, but even just writing that in my cover letters, even though I didn’t always believe it, really altered my perspective and confidence.
The more I wrote it, the more I actually believed it!

What was your life/career like before the Successful Wildlife Professional? What was it like after?

Before I started SWP, I was very anxious about my future. Through SWP, not only was Stephanie an invaluable connection, but I reached out to other people in the field and was able to connect with other students on a similar path. It felt so good to finally have a network of people with similar goals to mine!

building confidence in wildlife career

After SWP, I felt less fear and more confidence. Even though I still had questions and concerns, I had a wealth of resources and connections that could get me the answers I needed as I planned my next steps.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining the Successful Wildlife Professional, but is on the fence?

I would tell them it is never a mistake to invest in yourself! I was a little on the fence as well just because I was so early in my career. I wasn’t even out of college yet while other students were applying for a Ph.D.!

But, as Stephanie told me, this program is helpful for people at any point in their career. I wasn’t able to apply all of the advice at the time, but once you join the SWP, you have these resources for life!

I have constantly referenced modules, videos, and examples as I have gotten further in my career and started applying for internships. It’s really comforting to know if I ever feel stuck or discouraged that it is not the end and there are real solutions and people that have my back.

"It is never a mistake to invest in yourself! This program is helpful for people at any point in their career. I wasn’t able to apply all of the advice at the time, but once you join the SWP, you have these resources for life!"

Continue to follow Sian’s success and adventures by following her on LinkedIn

You can listen to Chitra's full story on the Fancy Scientist podcast:

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Or watch it on YouTube:

Programs Sian enrolled in:

If you’re ready to get results like these and go after your dream career in wildlife, then I’d love to meet you! Check out my programs page to see how can work together. 

And make sure you sign up for my next free training!


Stephanie Manka

Stephanie Manka, Ph.D. is a wildlife biologist with 20 years of experience in mammal ecology and conservation, education, and outreach. Read her story to find out how she went from the daughter of a jeweler to a Ph.D. in wildlife biology.

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