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Sample of the set kit

CompostNow: Easy Composting for the Lazy

Most of my garbage comes from food waste. I mostly eat whole foods so I end up with a lot of scraps. Even if you put food waste in a landfill, it does not decompose. This is because they are sealed off from oxygen which prevents the organisms that decompose them from surviving. When I went to the Toronto Science Center, they had food preserved in this way from 1993.

ComposNow Kit
Fruits and vegetables sealed off from oxygen at the Toronto Science Center. This is what happens to them in a landfill – they don’t break down.

By composing, you are diverting food waste from landfills and instead turning it into soil which can be reused for gardening. I am the first one to admit that I am super lazy when it comes to yard work! I even blogged about how you can help wildlife by letting your yard go. While I loved the idea of composting, I really hated doing it. Our compost pit in Missouri ended up just being that – a pit. Plus, we have dogs and they would sometimes dig for buried treasures.

Sample of the set kit
CompostNow makes composting so easy! It’s great for people with dogs too.

When I saw CompostNow, I signed up right away. They do all of the dirty work – pun intended! All you do is fill up your bin and leave it at the curb. You can also request to have soil delivered to your house to use in your garden. Since February 2017, I have personally diverted approximately 642 lbs of food scraps from a landfill and it feels good!

A bit of details for the tool
CompostNow gives you information on how much impact you personally have.

Add this up across Raleigh and you get some big changes. As of 2019, CompostNow has diverted over 9.3 million pounds of waste from landfills! This is simply amazing. By composting, they also created over 3 million pounds of soil. Imagine the impact we could have if every city composted like this.

Facts about using ComposNow
Another advantage of CompostNow is that you can compost items traditionally not compostable at home (such as meat and bones).
I love CompostNow. IT makes composting so easy.

If you want to give CompostNow a try, click here!

For more tips on sustainable eating, read “5 Easy Changes to Your Diet to Help the Planet.”

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I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Before we say our goodbye, I want to remind you that you have been an essential part of my journey. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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