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#120: Wildlife Crossings and Conservation: Interview with Natural Resources Manager Matt Howard


Stephanie Manka

Stephanie Manka, Ph.D. is a wildlife biologist with 20 years of experience in mammal ecology and conservation, education, and outreach. Read her story to find out how she went from the daughter of a jeweler to a Ph.D. in wildlife biology.

In the fiercely competitive world of wildlife biology and conservation, insider knowledge isn’t just an advantage—it’s a game-changer. That’s why this episode of the Fancy Scientist podcast, featuring Matt Howard, is an absolute must-listen for anyone dreaming of a career in this field.

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Interestingly, my connection with Matt began in an unexpected place: the comments section of one of my career posts. Matt was leaving insightful comments filled with great advice for aspiring wildlife professionals. His willingness to share knowledge immediately caught my attention, and I knew I had to invite him onto the podcast to share his wisdom with a wider audience.

Matt Howard isn’t just any wildlife professional. As a natural resource manager for Utah’s Department of Transportation, he’s at the forefront of road ecology—a fascinating niche where wildlife conservation meets infrastructure development. His work involves analyzing the impacts of roads on threatened and endangered species, ensuring compliance with federal regulations, and finding innovative solutions to minimize human-wildlife conflicts.

Wildlife Crossings and Conservation

Matt’s experience extends far beyond his current role. Having navigated through various facets of the wildlife field, including state agency jobs and environmental consulting, he brings a panoramic view of the industry. This diverse background allows him to offer nuanced advice on aligning personal values with professional goals—a crucial aspect often overlooked in career discussions.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! What makes Matt’s advice so compelling is that it comes from years of hands-on experience. He’s not just theorizing – he’s sharing what has actually worked for him and others in the field. From his experience hiring countless professionals to build an impressive social media following of over 100,000 on Instagram, Matt shares golden nuggets of wisdom you won’t find in any textbook or career guide.

Wildlife Crossings and Conservation

In this episode, we dive deep into:

  • The ins and outs of working for state wildlife agencies, including the hidden challenges and unexpected rewards
  • A candid look at the world of environmental consulting—is it the right path for you?
  • Practical, actionable advice to skyrocket your chances of landing that dream wildlife job
  • Innovative strategies for leveraging social media to build your professional network and showcase your expertise
  • The art of successfully transitioning into a conservation or ecology career, even if you’re starting from a different field
  • And more!!!

So, whether you’re a student plotting your entry into the wildlife field, a professional looking to pivot into conservation, or simply someone fascinated by the inner workings of wildlife careers, this episode is your backstage pass to the industry. Tune in, take notes, and prepare to transform your approach to wildlife career planning. Your future self will thank you for it!

Resources and Sources in Wildlife Crossings and Conservation

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I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Before we say our goodbye, I want to remind you that you have been an essential part of my journey. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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