📣 Attention anyone who CAN'T ,
get an interview for wildlife,
conservation, or ecology jobs 📣

No matter how hard you try...
What you do...
Or how many applications you fill out.!
Who are sick and tired of NOT working
in the field they got their degree in.
Who are...

  • Stuck spinning their wheels
  • Becoming hopeless and burnt out filling out application after application
  • Doubting if they ever can make it in this field
  • Embarrassed of having to work at a fast food, barista, server, or other 9-5 job
  • Wishing that someone would just give them a chance to interview!

What's the biggest difference between successful wildlife job applicants who get the interview and land a job they love, one where they can carry out their life's passion and make a difference


Struggling applicants who submit dozens or even hundreds of applications yet hear nothing back, can't get a job in their field no matter how hard they try and are on the verge of giving up on their dram career

If you guessed…

  • Luck
  • Fancy experiences abroad
  • Who they know
  • A Ph.D. or
  • The number of applications they submitted 

You’d be wrong.

While some of these things have their place…

They are only PART of the answer. 

You see, the truth is, getting job interviews in wildlife biology, ecology, zoology, or conservation biology is all about applying for the RIGHT jobs and writing competitive job applications.

Here’s what you need to know about working in wildlife job applications in 2022…

Why has getting a wildlife job been so hard for you even though you did everything right?

(…and MOST importantly, why it’s not your fault!)

You invested a whole lot of time and money to get a college degree…

That means you spent years of your life attending class, studying hard, taking difficult tests, and writing papers.

     ✅  You took all the right courses

     👩‍🔬  Got hands on experience through labs

     🌟  Got decent or even good grades

     📓  Even dedicated your time to volunteering to learn more and gain experience

In short, you worked your butt off, went above and beyond to learn about wildlife, had the passion, earned the degree and graduated from a great university!

By now you’ve EARNED the right to…

     🎓  A job in the field your degree is actually in, which you worked so hard to get

     🌍  Spend your working hours knowing you are making a difference in the world

     🌱 Apply your passion and see meaningful conservation outcomes from your hard work

     🦋  Use your knowledge, expertise, and skills

But, your reality isn’t matching expectations, right?

Because you…

    👉 Aren’t working in a job remotely related to your degree…

    👉 Are sending out job application after job application only to hear nothing back…

    👉  Feel like you are chasing a dream…

    👉 Are majorly suffering from impostor syndrome…

    👉 And try not to lose it when student loan bills come in for a degree you are not even using!

    👉 You feel like you should be further along by now

    👉 You feel that you should have a job in your field (is that really asking too much?)

And you constantly ask yourself….

“If I worked so hard on my degree….why can’t I get a job in this field?"


Want to really know?

Aspiring wildlife professionals don’t get interviews for jobs because

they weren’t taught HOW to apply to jobs

You worked so hard on your degree…

But no one told you how to actually get a job!

     💻 If you’re constantly applying for wildlife jobs, but

     😕 Can’t get an interview

     🙇🏽 And think you can still “figure this out on your own”…..

Then I gotta be honest with you…

You’ll be worse off than where you are right now….because you’ll have:

     👉  Wasted time in a job you hate

     👉  Lost experience you could have be getting with a wildlife job, making you even less competitive for future jobs

 👉  Lost the opportunity to grow your network increasing your chances to get future jobs

     👉 Still be paying off your student loans with none of the satisfaction that comes with being in a job you are passionate about

     👉A deflated confidence and ego from all of the rejections

And worse of all…

     👉 Grown resentful, be on the verge of giving up and saying goodbye to your dreams of working in the field you always wanted to work in – have known you were meant to work in

The good news is…

You have so much power to change your current situation!

If you have read this far you know why it’s crucial to actually get a job using the degree you worked so hard for! 

     😀 Imagine waking up on Monday morning with a huge smile on your face excited to start the week because you love going to your job every day

    🐝 It’s 5 PM on Friday and you feel amazing having spent 40 hours over the past week fulfilling your life’s purpose, contributing to the greater good, and helping animals and the planet

     🦜 Imagine seeing your research or conservation work progress, that your knowledge, expertise, and skills is making a difference for wildlife!

    🗣️ Your friends can’t believe the incredible things you get to do at your job – that you actually get paid to work on cool species and travel the world

     🥰 Imagine getting to do what you know you were destined to do since the age of 5 years old

Getting a job that uses your degree should not be a myth. It’s about time that you put your degree that you’ve worked so hard to get to use.

Have you ever actually sat down and really evaluated WHY you aren’t getting jobs? Had a professional evaluate your situation, experience, education, and job applications? 

You probably didn’t know that there is a 3 step system that can…

     👉 Make you stand out in a sea of job applications

     👉 Allow you to write job applications with ease and confidence

     👉 Make you feel good about applying for jobs! Have excitement and looking forward to your future

     👉 Give you confidence and certainty knowing that you have a good chance at getting the jobs you apply for

It’s the GEM Framework 💎:

Gauge, Express, and Match

Step 1. Gauge: Apply for jobs you CAN get

People aren’t aware that they are applying to jobs they had no chance of getting. There’s a whole nother level of interpretation that goes into reading job postings and if you don’t know how to do this – gauge jobs properly – you are going to apply to jobs you don’t have a chance of getting meaning you are going to waste your time and energy, as well as damage your confidence from all of the rejections.

After applying for lots of jobs and getting almost no invitations to interviews, I realized that it was ESSENTIAL that I apply for the right jobs – the jobs that I was qualified for. Once I properly gauged the jobs I was applying to and only chose those that I was qualified for, I started getting interviews for about ⅓ of the jobs I applied to. 

Stephanie Camera Trap
Let me be your coach

Step 2. Express: Fully showcase all of your experience, skills, and more

Through looking at hundreds of resumes, I know that most people do not fully express the extent of work that they have done and really exhaust all of their valuable accomplishments on their resumes. They don’t understand the KINDS of things to list and what employers view as valuable experience. They completely overlook things that show they are a competitive candidate.

There’s a whole nother level of communication that you need to do to make yourself stand out. And unless you’ve been at the other end of hiring in this field, chances are, you don’t know what those things are. You not only need to learn how to read what employers want, but you need to know how to write it as well because the truth is, if you don’t do this, you won’t stand out.

Step 3. Match: Show them how you fit the job

You’ve probably heard before that you have to customize each job application. Most people think this means changing the organization and job title in the cover letter and a couple of other minor tweaks. But it must go much deeper than this. 

When you apply for a job, it’s about THEM, not you. And in a competitive job market like todays, this is even more true. 

You want to show them why they should want you. Why they should need you. When you match yourself to the job, you are showing the organization how you can help them and therefore be hired. 

Scientist considering what scientific journal to submit to

I have helped dozens of students all over the world become competitive for and get wildlife biology jobs.

“I graduated in 2020 and struggled to get any simple seasonal field jobs – even volunteer positions. I didn’t work in the wildlife field for a year. After I joined the Successful Wildlife Professional program, Stephanie gave me specific advice on my cover letters and resumes. After a few months of joining, I am now starting my first job as a Biological Science Tech position with the USFWS.” 

– Rachel Smith

Rachel Smith Successful Wildlife Professional

“Stephanie helped me gain clarity on what I want and her resume/cover letter module helped me get the interview. I seriously cannot believe that I got my dream job! I was getting close to giving up on the field for a bit, but it only took one person to give me a chance after an interview and everything changed.”

– Lisa S. (Name has been changed) 

Who am I to tell you this? 

My name is Stephanie, a lifelong animal lover and fashion-loving wildlife biologist (hence my nickname the Fancy Scientist).

Having been a first generation college and Ph.D. graduate, I am no stranger to hard work. In fact, my dad always told me to “work with my brain and not my back.” But I didn’t know what I wanted to do for a career. I had no idea “wildlife biologist” was even a career option.

During college, I started pursuing a career in acting and studied biology as a backup so I could become a medical doctor if acting didn’t work out. I was scared of the intense competition, financial risk, and job insecurity that came with the acting world.

A picture of a woman reading a book

My brother randomly suggested that I study abroad and I took him up on it. When searching for programs, I was drawn to one on wildlife management in Kenya amongst the pile of theater program brochures – it seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I took a leap of faith and went. 

I was so relieved when I discovered my DREAM career there: wildlife biologist. Upon returning, I dove into this new career path head first.

I worked extremely hard to gain research experience at three internships. I applied to and got into graduate school, worked my butt off for my Ph.D., and worked for seven years as a postdoc on prestigious research projects around the world. By the end of my postdoc, I had nearly 20 publications. 

On and off after graduating with my Ph.D., I applied for permanent jobs, focusing on getting one where I now lived in Raleigh, NC. I became good at getting interviews – about ⅓ of my applications – but every time I was close to being offered the position, there was someone just a little bit more qualified than me. When talking to my colleagues who were also applying to jobs, I knew I wasn’t alone as they had the same story as me.

careers in wildlife biology

The worst part was, I did everything right! I had multiple publications. I wrote and received grants. I had a good network. After multiple rejections (and many tears), I started to learn it wasn’t my fault.

The field changed fast – in fact, I saw it change with my own eyes over the course of my graduate experience. With more B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. graduates, it was more competitive than ever, and I realized the advice I was given was out of date. In fact, the wildlife biology job market looked remarkably similar to the acting one I was so relieved to leave.

From each rejection though, I learned exactly where I needed more experience and became obsessed with helping the students I was mentoring avoid the same mistakes. Now I know exactly where I went wrong for the jobs I wanted. I was both under-qualified for some jobs I wanted while my Ph.D. overqualified for others.

I wrote blog posts on my experience because everyone I knew was feeling the same way, but no one was talking about it. My blog posts reached tens of thousands of people and I realized SO MANY of them needed this help. I even wrote the book “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know.”


I used what I learned from being on the job market to teach students what I wish my mentors told me. I help aspiring wildlife biologists identify, become competitive for, and ultimately get their dream job.

Besides having been where you are, I have:

  • A B.A. (2003), 3 internships, a Ph.D. (2012), and 7 years of postdocs in the government, zoos, museums, academia, and alongside nonprofits
  • 20+ peer-reviewed scientific publications across topics in in animal behavior, mammal communities, predator-prey relationships, non-invasive genetics, satellite telemetry, social science, and citizen science – full CV here
  • Studied species and systems across four continents (I’m an expert in forest elephants!)
  • Appeared regularly as a science expert on national television shows on the Science and History Channels.
  • A large professional network (500+ connections on LinkedIn) and social following (15K across platforms)
  • Experience on large, collaborative open access projects with prestigious organizations like the Smithsonian

Stephanie Schuttler Filming

I am also…

  • VERY down to earth and relatable even though I have worked with some of the best scientists in my field and have a Ph.D.
  • An advocate for mental health, work-life balance, and not defining yourself by your career
  • Open about my own career and personal struggles including battling depression and overcoming a severe case of impostor syndrome
  • A lover of coaching, self improvement books and courses, and am constantly working to improve myself or make things more efficient
  • Optimistic – not naturally – but through years of working on myself using practices from neuroscience
  • FUN! I love to laugh, and do not take life too seriously

What this means is…

I genuinely care about you and understand the struggles you are going through. I was never the smartest student, but I worked hard and at my core, believed in myself.  I believe anyone can become competitive for wildlife jobs. 

I have helped people get real jobs in this competitive job market.

Together, we can make your dream job become a reality, transforming you from defeated job applicant to thriving wildlife professional making a genuine impact in the world.

But you don’t have to take my word for it…

     “Stephanie’s program helped me get a job as a research assistant under a graduate student tracking tortoises. I was very happy! Since research is my first choice of job, I got to see how graduate school is from a graduate student’s perspective and I’ve been gaining skills I can use for future research.”

– Saren Perales

Saren Perales Successful Wildlife Professional

     “About two weeks ago I was notified by a friend that her place of employment was hiring, so I put in my application. The director got back to me that same day and set up the interview for the next day, as I was off of work. This morning she contacted me to let me know they would like to hire me for a full-time position starting in January. I am beyond excited for this opportunity! Thank you Stephanie for helping me fix up my resume and cover letter. It helped me gain confidence in myself to apply for this job.”

– Allison P. (name has been changed)

So if you are ready to…

👉    Take control of and massively up-level your career

👉   Upgrade your resume and cover letters to make yourself stand out

👉   Say “I quit” to the mindless jobs that have nothing to do with your degree and start saying “yes” to wildlife jobs

Then it’s time to stop hoping and start to write winning wildlife job applications!


The Wildlife Job Application Academy

A 3 phase implementation program that helps wildlife job seekers get interviews using GEM framework: Gauge, Express, Match

By the end of this program, you will have…

     ✅ A working formula on how to write a compelling experience section of your resume – the MOST important part of your resume

     ✅ A resume that conveys your expertise and experience so you can get the interview

     ✅ A process for writing compelling cover letters and knowledge on how to tailor your cover letters specifically for each job posting

     ✅ An understanding of your worth and be able to demonstrate it to employers

     ✅ Phrases and examples of how to sell yourself without boasting or bragging

     ✅  Templates and lots of successful examples for resumes and cover letters so you don’t have to work from scratch

     ✅ A major confidence boost from seeing all of your experience and just how valuable you are

     ✅ Tips and tricks for standing out amongst a sea of applicants 

But above all else,

The Wildlife Job Application Academy gives you the confidence knowing that you submitted the best job application possible

Lets go into what The Wildlife Job Application Academy looks like and what you’ll get:

The Wildlife Job Application Academy is a hybrid online course and group mentoring program that walks you through how to write resumes and cover letters  so by the end of this program, you’ll be getting invited to interview for wildlife positions.

Module 1: Gauge ($1,000 value, lifetime access)

This module alone will save you so much time, money, and preserve your emotional energy. It took me years to figure out! The value I gave this is honestly a low-ball estimate because this is the key to getting jobs faster. It’s really priceless.  


I was taught that job postings were like “wish lists” and you should apply if you met 60 or 70% of the qualifications. But this strategy does not work in our field. My 8 years on the job market taught me that the most experienced people get the job. Once I started only applying to jobs where I met 100% or nearly 100% of the qualifications, I got interviews for ⅓ of the jobs I was applying to.

When you apply to lots and lots of jobs, you can’t possibly (a) do a good job on all of those job applications and (b) be qualified for those jobs. If you don’t gauge the jobs you are applying to, chances are, you are spending your time and energy on applications for jobs that you never had a chance of getting in the first place.

Applying for jobs is time and energy consuming. You only have so much of both in the day. When you don’t gauge jobs and just apply for everything, your time and energy is spread thin over the applications and you end up doing just an OK job on jobs you actually have a chance of getting, meaning you never stand out. Gauging the jobs you apply for ensures you can give your best applications to the jobs you are most likely to succeed at.

I  walk you through how to know if you are competitive for a job. 

Specifically, Module 1 includes videos and worksheets on:

  • How to know if you are competitive for a job – if you match the qualifications
  • How to properly gauge jobs
  • What to do if you are uncertain if you are qualified
  • What is a resume, what goes into one, and when to use it
  • The differences between resumes and CVs
  • Tips on creating measurable outputs to put into your resumes to show your value
  • What is a CV, what goes into one, and when to use it
  • Multiple examples of real job postings my students were interested in applying to where I:
    • Go through the responsibilities and qualifications and talk about exactly what they mean by vague statements like “experience.”
    • Compare the qualification of the posting with interested students and help them determine if they should apply for the job
    • Interpret posting and analyze requirements

By the end of the Gauge module, you’ll have:

  • Confidence knowing the jobs you apply to are ones you have a good chance of getting
  • Knowledge on when to use a resume or CV for job postings
  • The sections to include in your resume or CV outlined
  • Strategic thinking at current positions for how to measure experience
  • Know how and confidence in following up on jobs where you may be uncertain about fulfilling qualifications

Module 2: Express ($1,000 value, lifetime access)

Important: This is not your typical resume and cover letter writing module – this is ULTRA SPECIFIC to careers in wildlife, ecology, zoology, and conservation biology. Resume and cover letter writing advice you find online, including paid courses or hired professionals, does not work in our field. 

Most people do not fully express the extent of work that they have done and really exhaust all of their valuable accomplishments on their resumes. Not only do most applicants struggle with being detailed, but they also struggle with knowing what to include. They don’t understand the KINDS of things to list and what employers view as valuable experience. They completely overlook things that show they are a competitive candidate.

There’s a whole nother level of communication that you need to do to make yourself stand out. And unless you’ve been at the other end of hiring in this field, chances are, you don’t know what those things are. You not only need to learn how to read what employers want, but you need to know how to write it as well because the truth is, if you don’t do this, you won’t stand out.

You must fully express what you have done – and lead with your experiences – to demonstrate to potential employers you are the right candidate for the job. 

I walk you through step-by-step how to fully express what you have done and what skills you have on your resume and in your cover letters.

Specifically, Module 2 includes webinars, worksheets, and templates on:

  • What kinds of things count as experience and how to include volunteering
  • The EXACT kinds of things to list within the experience section of your resume and exactly how to phrase them including:

    • LOTS of examples you can emulate with your own experience

    • When and how to add non-wildlife experience and make it apply to wildlife jobs

    • How you can create your own experiences through citizen science and add them to your resume in a legitimate, professional way
    • Before and after improvements
  • A template resume and CV so you never have to stare at a blank screen again with:

    • Question prompts to ask yourself so you know exactly what to put

  • The sections in your resume and CVs to include and how to list them
  • Past copies of all of my successful cover letters that led me to job interviews over 8 years
  • Successful resumes cover letters from my students who recently graduated
  • How to customize your resume to certain types of jobs (e.g. research, outreaches, etc.)
  • What to include in cover letters
  • How your cover letter should differ from your resume
  • How to demonstrate your experience in cover letters using things like measurable outcomes, anecdotes, or remarkable achievements to name a few

By the end of the Express Phase you’ll have:

  • A working formula on how to write a compelling experience section of your resume – the MOST important part of your resume
  • A major confidence boost from seeing all of your experience and just how valuable you are
  • Confidence submitting your resumes to jobs
  • A template for resumes and cover letters to get started with
  • Lots of successful examples to work from so you don’t have to work from scratch

Module 3: Match ($2,000 value, lifetime access)

In this module, I teach you EXACTLY how to tailor your job applications to the job you are applying for – the key to selling yourself and standing out.


You’ve probably heard before that you have to customize each job application to the position you are applying for. Most people think this means changing the organization and job title in the cover letter and a couple of other minor tweaks throughout. But it must go MUCH deeper than this.

The truth is, when you are applying for a job, it’s about THEM, not you. And in a competitive job market like todays, this is even more true. You want to show them why they should want you. Why they should need you. 

I walk you through step-by-step how to understand what specific job postings are all about and how to use your own experience to write cover letters that match the position that the employer is looking to fill. 

Specifically, Module 3 includes webinars and worksheets on:

  • What is a cover letter and what it should include
  • How to structure your cover letter, paragraph-by-paragraph and what goes in each paragraph
  • How to research the organization you are applying to, why you need to do this, and how to incorporate this into your job application
  • How to customize your cover letters to the position and organization you are applying to, including:
    • Adapting the specific qualifications on job postings to your own
    • How to make yourself stand out
    • Identify the major themes so you know what to focus on
  • Real examples – real job postings using real students’ resumes
  • What to include and how to make yourself sound amazing
  • How to write confidently and sell yourself without sounding like you are boasting or bragging

By the end of the Match Module you’ll have:

  • A process for writing compelling cover letters
  • Knowledge on how to tailor your cover letters specifically for each job posting
  • An understanding of your worth and be able to demonstrate it to employers
  • Phrases and examples of how to sell yourself without boasting or bragging
  • Tips and tricks for standing out amongst a sea of applicants 
  • Confidence knowing that you submitted the best job application possible

Group Mentorship (Priceless, 1 year, lifetime access to recordings)

In addition to all of the webinars and exercises, I am offering live group mentoring on job applications where I give specific feedback to real people applying for real jobs. You’ll be invited to submit your resumes and/or cover letters to be reviewed and critiqued by me! You’ll receive kind and honest, yet critical, personalized feedback that will make you and your job application STRONGER so your application as competitive as possible. 

I have been in this field for nearly 20 years – I have been hired, hired people, and have worked alongside hiring committees in academia, museums, zoos, and the government. I know what works. 


Once a month we meet to go over at least job application live (more depending on submissions and time) – we work with a real job posting and real application materials. I give them feedback in real time so you can learn how to interpret job postings and match their credentials to the posting. Because it is live, you can also ask any questions you may have during the entire process. If you can’t make it live, you get access to all of the recordings.

Working with applications from people at all different levels and from all different types of jobs will ensure you have examples that will relate to your own personal situation.

One of the biggest things I have learned in this field is that you don’t know what you don’t know. Even if we are not working on your application, you will learn a TON by watching me review others applications and by listening to questions from peers, as people will come from all different stages. 

Through 12 group mentoring sessions throughout the year, you’ll have:

  • At least 12 in-depth sessions analyzing specific job postings and application materials plus access to all previously recorded sessions
  • Access to a community of peers where you can ask questions in a supportive environment
  • The opportunity to ask questions live on job applications that comes up for you – from the specific to the general
  • Learning opportunities from other members’ questions – you don’t know what you don’t know!

The power and value from just these modules would easily be at least thousands – these things took me nearly 20 years to learn!

But since I know so many people out there are struggling and I genuinely love to help people, I am adding more in value through FREE bonuses.

  • BONUS 1: Networking Masterclass (from 4/24-4/30 ONLY). You know what they say – it’s all about who you know. Networking is a close second to the main reason why people don’t get jobs. Chances are, you think that networking happens only in person or at conferences. NOT TRUE! There is much more you can do online than in real life. This course teaches you how to network online leading to real connections so that you can build a solid reputation and network of professionals to get you jobs. ($500 value)
  • BONUS 2: 21 Ways to Earn Extra Money Now eBook. It’s well known that this field does not pay well, but that doesn’t mean you have to go into debt by investing in yourself (the best investment you could ever make). Start making back your investment right now.This eBook includes 21 ways that you can easily earn money. Many of these opportunities you can do at home, on your own schedule, and/or in your pajamas. ($99 value)
  • BONUS 3: Nail Your Interview, Start and End Your Job Right. I’m adding in 3 extra webinars teaching you how to prepare for and nail interviews, how to start and end your job off right so you will maximize your experience and networking connections – important insights I gathered over my decades in research that I wish I knew when I started out. ($500 value). 
  • Pay-in-Full Bonus: Overcome Overwhelm: How to Make Time, Prioritize, and Finally Stop Procrastinating Workshop. Don’t feel like you have enough time in the day to learn new things? Learn how to find an extra 10 hours in your week, prioritize activities, and manage your mind so you no longer procrastinate. ($500 value)

Right about now you may be asking yourself, What’s the investment?

The Wildlife Job Application Academy has a combined value of nearly $10,000 including all of the bonuses

If we were working together 1:1 for a year in private mentoring that would run you upwards of $20,000

I’m offering you The Wildlife Job Application Academy for:

$394 paid-in-full or

$39/month over 12 months

This investment in yourself of $394 will get you interviews for wildlife jobs!

Full Program with Group Mentoring

$394 or $39/month

  • The entire Wildlife Job Application Academy with the GEM framework: Gauge, Express, and Match
  • Monthly group mentoring with Stephanie on job applications
  • BONUS 1: Networking Masterclass
    BONUS 2: 21 Ways to Earn Extra Money Now eBook
    BONUS 3: Nail Your Interview, Start and End Your Job Right
  • Pay-in-Full Bonus: Overcome Overwhelm: How to Make Time, Prioritize, and Finally Stop Procrastinating Workshop

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Refund policy: Try this program for one year and do the work. If you don’t see a difference in your wildlife career after the full year is up (because career changes can take time), I will gladly return your full investment.

By purchasing this product, you are agreeing to this refund policy. 

Frequently Asked Questions

In 2020, I shifted my career focus from primarily research to science communication and career mentorship. I realized these were my true passions and founded the Fancy Scientist LLC as my full-time career. I am still a research associate with the NC Museum of Natural Sciences and continuing to work on research started in my postdoc, but I am no longer financially compensated by them or any other organization. 

Your enrollment investment allows me to create the BEST content for you to succeed and the highest quality of support. Behind the scenes, I have employees helping me run this program. Additionally, by running this program through the Fancy Scientist LLC, I am in the unique position to offer you unbiased feedback on this career and be 100% transparent about things like workplace culture, salaries, and work-life balance. I believe my job is to help you  succeed in whatever dream job you choose and desire and will do everything in my ability to help you get there.

By investing in yourself, you are also making a commitment to yourself. There is “skin in the game” and you will be more likely to commit to the program and succeed.

Currently there are no scholarships, but this is something I have done in the past with previous programs and will likely have opportunities in the future, but I am not sure when. 

Although I give a lot of advice away for free, in this program I go into much more detail with step-by-step instructions on how to do everything. You will be guided through each part of the application process with detail that I provide no where else. You’ll receive templates, as well as my past successful cover letters, and resumes and letters from my students.

Each lesson comes with a workbook to help you integrate what you learned in the webinar and understand yourself more deeply. 

In the group mentoring sessions, you will receive or watch others receive personalized – something found nowhere else in my content.

I do not believe that this career is just for the wealthy. When you join, you will get my bonus on 21 ways to make money so you can make your investment back right away.

This program will likely save you thousands of dollars and years of your time because you will get better paying jobs faster, which sets the baseline for your salary for life. 

There are many variables outside my control when it comes to how competitive jobs are including location, job type, workplace, and study species to name a few. If you try this program for one year, show up and do the work and don’t see a difference in your wildlife career, I will gladly return your full investment. 


You set the pace in this program! I kept each webinar short – between 15-30 minutes so that you can do them when you have a few minutes. You can space them out or binge watch them all at once.

 You will have access to the course content indefinitely so you can watch it even after your year of group mentoring expires.

If you did a workout program for a week, would you see results? You might lose a pound or two, but to get long-lasting results, you need to commit long-term. Similar to a health program, I believe you will see the best results with a commitment to the program. If you commit, show up, and do the work, and do not see results, I will gladly return your full investment.

Yes! Although the program is specifically designed for wildlife careers, there are many aspects that apply to other careers and I show you how to adapt job applications for jobs more tangential to research.  

I will continue to be your mentor and support you in your decision. 

Values are calculated from my time spent developing course content based on current salaries at my professional level and/or comparing this program to similar programs offered. 

“I officially accepted the position yesterday!…I feel more confident now in following this new path that combines my interests!!

I have to thank you because I’ve used all the advice I got from you on writing cover letters and resumes…My interviewer was able to see from my resume (that improved immensely after you looked it over) that I had a strong fieldwork background…

In my first interview they began the call by stating how they really liked the way I wrote my cover letter…

Because I successfully highlighted my range of unique experiences I was selected out of nearly 200 applicants, some of whom had years of communications experience! I’m feeling very grateful and excited about this opportunity.”

–  Nicole B. (name has been changed)

I am so excited to welcome you to The Wildlife Job Application Academy!

You are ready to go after your wildlife dream job and finally put your degree to good use if you are the type of person who…

    ✅  Knows that this career is your dream and you are willing to do whatever it takes to make it your reality

    ✅  Feels they will regret not fully going for it and are worried they have to switch careers

    ✅ Feels stuck and lost – you don’t know what to do next and are almost ready to give up

    ✅ Is ambitious, hard-working, passionate, and willing to put in the work

    ✅  Takes responsibility for their actions. The confidence may take some work, but you’re willing to buckle down and do what it takes.

    ✅  Feel excited knowing that in just a few months, they will have a competitive resume and cover letter, be applying to jobs, and getting asked to interview

    ✅  You are ready to say yes to exciting opportunities and jobs!

 👉  If you caught yourself nodding your head to at least 1 of these points above…

😀  Then I absolutely CANNOT wait to meet you inside the Wildlife Job Application Academy!

Full Program with Group Mentoring

$394 or $39/month

  • The entire Wildlife Job Application Academy with the GEM framework: Gauge, Express, and Match
  • Monthly group mentoring with Stephanie on job applications
  • BONUS 1: Networking masterclass
    BONUS 2: 21 Ways to Earn Extra Money Now eBook
    BONUS 3: Nail Your Interview, Start and End Your Job Right
  • Pay-in-Full Bonus: Overcome Overwhelm: How to Make Time, Prioritize, and Finally Stop Procrastinating Workshop
Remember the biggest difference between successful wildlife job applicants who get the interview and land a job they love, one where they can carry out their life’s passion and make a difference


Ones who submit dozens or even hundreds of applications yet hear nothing back, can’t get a job in their field no matter how hard they try and are on the verge of giving up on their dram career

It’s not luck or fancy paid experiences abroad, it’s writing a compelling, winning job application for the jobs you are qualified to get!

Full Program with Group Mentoring

$394 or $39/month

  • The entire Wildlife Job Application Academy with the GEM framework: Gauge, Express, and Match
  • Monthly group mentoring with Stephanie on job applications
  • BONUS 1: Networking masterclass
    BONUS 2: 21 Ways to Earn Extra Money Now eBook
    BONUS 3: Nail Your Interview, Start and End Your Job Right
  • Pay-in-Full Bonus: Overcome Overwhelm: How to Make Time, Prioritize, and Finally Stop Procrastinating Workshop
Stephanie Schuttler Successful Wildlife Professional

I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Before we say our goodbye, I want to remind you that you have been an essential part of my journey. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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