Masterclass for Wildlife Careers

Resume Revamp:

How to Write a Resume that Gets You Jobs in WILDLIFE

Taught by wildlife biologist of 20 years, Dr. Stephanie Manka (formerly Dr. Stephanie Schuttler)

Chances are, you probably don’t have a resume competitive for wildlife jobs

How do I know this? 

  • I’ve looked at hundreds (no exaggeration) of resumes of people in this field struggling to get jobs and out of those, only a few were compelling enough to stand out
  • My students went from getting 0 job offers (not even volunteer positions!) to getting multiple offers and permanent positions ONLY by changing their job applications
  • You’re resume probably looks like one meant for regular jobs – NOT wildlife jobs – because that’s the advice most places give
  • You probably have a lot of doubt and uncertainty on what to put, how to write it, and if it’s good enough
  • There’s likely a part of you that isn’t feeling good enough about yourself or your experiences 

But the good news is – this isn’t your fault – and I can help!

I’ve been successfully writing and getting jobs in wildlife since 2003 and I’ve cracked the code with what works to attract employers’ attention.

And for the last 3 weeks, I’ve been teaching my students in the Successful Wildlife Professional this. 

SWP is a $997 program, but and the first time ever, you’ll be able to get access to this portion for only $47 or 3 payments of $17 in my masterclass

Click the green button below to be instantly signed up for this amazing deal. This class was recorded live, but you can still access the recordings by signing up below.

This is the stuff they DON’T teach you in school!

Don't take it from me...Here's what my students have to say:

“I GOT THE JOB. I can’t even process this; it’s a dream come true.”

“I got the first job I applied for after taking the Successful Wildlife Professional, and it’s my first full-time, permanent position! Not to mention it’s my dream job! ”

– Jaimie Simmons

“After a few months, I am now starting my first job as a Biological Science Tech position with the USFWS.”

“I graduated in 2020 and struggled to get any simple seasonal field jobs – even volunteer positions. I didn’t work in the wildlife field for a year. After I joined, Stephanie gave me specific advice on my cover letters and resumes. After a few months, I am now starting my first job as a Biological Science Tech position with the USFWS.”

– Rachel Smith

Rachel Smith Successful Wildlife Professional
“I officially accepted the position yesterday!”

“I have to thank you because I’ve used all the advice I got from you on writing cover letters and resumes…My interviewer was able to see from my resume (that improved immensely after you looked it over) that I had a strong fieldwork background…

In my first interview they began the call by stating how they really liked the way I wrote my cover letter…I was selected out of nearly 200 applicants, some of whom had years of communications experience! I’m feeling very grateful and excited about this opportunity.”

– Nicole B. (name changed*)

“I got the fisheries job I was after!”

Sierra Karlau Job Success

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn…

What jobs you ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE AT GETTING so you don’t waste your precious time and energy and INCREASE YOUR CHANCES on the jobs you do apply for


Resume Revamp

How to write A COMPELLING EXPERIENCE SECTION of your resume to demonstrate to employers why you are PERFECT FOR THE JOB

What the employers mean by EXPERIENCE and if you have it

and MUCH more!

“I had a great interview and got offered and accepted the position today!!”

“About two weeks ago I was notified by a friend that her place of employment was hiring, so I put in my application. The director got back to me that same day and set up the interview for the next day, as I was off of work. This morning she contacted me to let me know they would like to hire me for a full-time position starting in January. I am beyond excited for this opportunity! Thank you Stephanie for helping me fix up my resume and cover letter. It helped me gain confidence in myself to apply for this job.”

– Allison P. (name changed*)

“Stephanie’s program helped me get a job as a research assistant under a graduate student tracking tortoises.”

“I was very happy! Since research is my first choice of job, I got to see how graduate school is from a graduate student’s perspective and I’ve been gaining skills I can use for future research.”

– Saren Perales

Saren Perales Successful Wildlife Professional

“I had a great interview and got offered and accepted the position today!!”

“Stephanie helped me gain clarity on what I want and her resume/cover letter module helped me get the interview. I seriously cannot believe that I got my dream job! I was getting close to giving up on the field for a bit, but it only took one person to give me a chance after an interview and everything changed.”

– Lisa S. (name changed*)

This masterclass was taught live on February 24th & 25th, but you can still access all of the recordings below.

Refund policy: 100% Guaranteed within 30 days of masterclass. As long as you show up and do the work, you can get refunded if you are not satisfied.

*Given the competitiveness of this field, some people preferred not to use their real names to discuss their struggles and therefore they have been changed to protect their identity. 

I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Before we say our goodbye, I want to remind you that you have been an essential part of my journey. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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