FREE Live Training for Wildlife Careers

Identify Your Wildlife Dream Job in 5 EASY Steps

Stephanie Schuttler with Camera trap
Wildlife biologist of 20 years, Dr. Stephanie Manka (formerly Dr. Stephanie Schuttler)

Do you know you want to do *something* in wildlife, conservation, zoology, or ecology, but aren’t exactly sure what?

Is this lack of certainty making you feel lost, confused, and stuck? Chances are, yes…

If you don’t know what you want to do, how can you prepare for it? With the intense competition in wildlife jobs nowadays, you need to be specifically prepared for the type of position you want – “wildlife biologist” is not specific enough.  

In this FREE live training on JULY 19th and 20th at 7 PM Central (they are both the same webinar), you’ll learn the 5 essential steps to identify your dream job within the wildlife field. These steps are things you can do right now so that you don’t have to wait months or even years to get experience. You’ll then be able to design a plan and take action to get you to your dream job

Click the purple button below to be instantly signed up. 

This is the stuff they DON’T teach you in school!

Read about who's been through the 5 steps:

“This…helped me in getting information on career paths and advice on how to get there…I was worried there weren’t that many jobs in the field and thought I had a low chance of getting a job. It made me wonder if I should even pursue a wildlife management degree…I learned where to look for jobs and broadened my search.”

-Saren Perales

Saren Perales Successful Wildlife Professional

“I’ve definitely experienced a change in perspective – I feel a lot more hopeful. I feel like I have the guidance that I very desperately needed. With my last job, I was feeling very discouraged; I didn’t know where to go from there. Going through the different career workplaces gave me the context I was lacking. Even by reading the questions in the exercises, I started internalizing it. What is it that I really want? It changed my mood for the better. I have more of a positive outlook”

– Aaron Aguila

Aaron Aguila

“I finally landed on a specific career path – animal behavior research with education as a backup. I had a bit of trouble getting to that conclusion but the last few workbooks of the first phase helped navigate what I want as a career and what I can do as a hobby so I’m fulfilling all my desires…The program is definitely helping gain some insight on how to navigate growing in this field .

-Rachel Smith

Rachel Smith Successful Wildlife Professional

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn

What most people are ARE DOING WRONG when planning for and preparing for their career, and why MOST ADVICE NO LONGER WORK

The KEY INGREDIENT no one is talking about, but is essential for success

A picture of a woman reading a book

The 6 MAJOR JOB TYPES AND 7 WORKPLACES and why understanding them is critical to getting your dream job 

SPECIFIC ACTIONS and EXERCISES you can take right now that will allow your dream job to unfold 

“After the program, I questioned my decision on getting a PhD. Before I had just been taking the advice of my peers, professors as just the next step, but this program might save me years of my life that I could have wasted on a PhD that I didn’t need.” 

Before…I had myself in this little box that society had created for me. My plan was laid out by others and I was just following that. But this program course opened my eyes to a lot of different possibilities, and I not only started to question my career aspirations, but also got to know myself.”

– Allie Burdette

“I (was) interested in a career working with animals, but I’m not sure what and the career path to take. I tried asking my teachers, but I wasn’t getting good answers from them. I am leaning towards zookeeping and am now networking with professionals in the field to get the answers I need to make better decisions about my future.”

-Sian Erb

“Your detailed explanation about wildlife careers helped me realize this type of job is not what I dreamed of…I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity you gave me. If I hadn’t met you, I don’t know how things would have been so far. Because I was so confused…and I’ve could’ve gone in any direction if I was left unclarified.”

-Sarina Jami

*Given the competitiveness of this field, some people preferred not to use their real names to discuss their struggles and therefore they have been changed to protect their identity. 

I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Before we say our goodbye, I want to remind you that you have been an essential part of my journey. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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