FREE Live Training for Parents!

Stephanie and Emma
Hi I'm Dr. Stephanie Manka (formerly Dr. Stephanie Schuttler), a wildlife biologist whose studied mammals across the world since 2003.

I’m Stephanie Manka, a wildlife biologist and new co parent who’s passionate about fostering and inspiring curiosity in people about our natural world as a means to deepen their connections with others, themselves, and their community. 

Over the past ten years, I’ve collaborated with K-12 teachers and their students developing original programs that get them outside learning science by igniting their curiosity through exploration in the natural world around them. I’ve worked as a wildlife biologist since 2003 and more recently conducted research on children’s relationship with nature. In the past two years, I’ve become a new parent to my partner’s nine year old son. 

Parents today are facing challenges that NO generation has ever faced before – the allure of endless screen time through video games, social media, and devices purposely designed by large tech companies to make us subconsciously addicted to them so that we are always checking them and scrolling. Kids are no exception to this and it is becoming increasingly difficult for parents to break the trance and spend quality time with their children.

Stepping into my new role with my partner’s son, I knew that to connect with him, my focus and attention had to be on us getting curious together. A lot of people in my shoes would have no idea what to do, but through my own upbringing, and my previous research on children, I knew the quickest and most effective way to establish deep and lasting connections with him would be through nature exploration and curiosity. Getting outside into a new environment breaks monotony and disrupts patterns, is naturally beneficial for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, and provides an abundance of opportunities for kids to become curious. 

I developed and implemented the Connection through Curiosity method, enabling me to develop a meaningful relationship with my partner’s son. Exploring nature through simple observations that ignite wonder, discovering the world around us together, and seeking answers together even after our mini expeditions were central to grounding this relationship. 

I’m able to do this with my partner’s son and now I can teach you how to implement this with the children in your life – for free! Get on the waitlist now by signing up below.

After going through this course, you’ll know how to get your child off of screens and how to structure quality time with them outside, foster their curiosity, and create an open and trusting environment leading to an unbreakable relationship. 

If you’re ready to learn the Connection through Curiosity method for free, and WITHOUT having to add another rigid activity or learn complicated instructions (that you end up mostly doing by yourself). 

This is perfect for you If you feel like you are losing a battle with devices, want your kids to be curious just like you were as a kid, or just simply want your kid off the sofa and outside! Click the Apply Now button below. 

I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


I understand that inbox can be a lot and I respect your decision. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Before we say our goodbye, I want to remind you that you have been an essential part of my journey. If there’s anything you’d like to share or discuss with me in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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